Monday, February 9, 2009

Ponytails IN or OUT

Definitely IN!! I never thought wearing ponytails can be so sassy and sexy. But YES looks like it has become a fashion trend now with Ash and Freda Pinto wearing it on Red Carpet and Movie Premieres. I used to wear them when i was in school and always thought they were boring and would just let my hair free once i was home. I guess wearing it everyday makes it boring, esp when the elastic band came off with your hair and all that pulling and rigging .....o ya we all remember those days.

So following the trend i tried it at home, you don't have to go the hairstylist for it. After you shampoo your hair blow dry it by running the comb in a backward motion. You can also add some mousse to it. Once dried you can bunch your hair together in a comfortable base location and tie it with a elastic band. Make sure your hair is completely dry as a damp ponytail is most fragile. If you have longer hair you can grab a string of hair and rap it around the pony and use bob pins to secure it to give it a elegant look and it also hides the elastic band...isn't it easy? i have tried it at home, its really easy, fast and you are all set for the evening.

Check out Ash @ Pink Panther 2 premiere n Freida @ LA critics awards

Try it and you can look as sassy as them. I just used the cheap elastic band from Target or Walmart. But there are also two different types of elastic bands Blax or Bungee style. Did u know this!! This is definitely new to me and above all there are a bunch of companies who make these Scunchie, Karina, Elle Girl, Camilla and Evita Peroni.

Ponytails look good at any AGE!

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